Pandemic Breakups, Single Moms, & Embracing Co-Parenting

pandemic-breakupsSocial skills and sunlight aren’t all that were lost during the lockdowns of COVID-19. Along with changing numerous aspects of daily life, COVID has heavily impacted something sacred: relationships. Across the country, breakups and divorces – dubbed “pandemic breakups” – may actually be benefitting single mothers and rendering co-parenting less stressful. 

Find out what’s been driving these pandemic breakups before reading Sarah Elwood’s enlightening story about co-parenting. And if you’re considering the co-parenting route for your own divorce, don’t hesitate to consult an Orange County divorce mediator.


Pandemic Breakups: Common Stressors

Insider dives into the impact of COVID-19 on relationships in an article focused on single parenthood. More specifically, the article draws upon stories about pandemic breakups to discover that many single moms are actually embracing solo parenting, saying expectations are clearer and self-care is more easily attainable. But what are the driving stressors for these household splits?

The article goes on to list a number of relational stressors intertwined with the pandemic. Financial concerns as a result of job loss, heavy childcare burdens, and mandatory couple’s time due to lockdowns are the most highly referenced. And relationships with preexisting struggles are falling apart even more quickly, with many couples entering therapy only to realize how much work their marriage really needs.


Core Pandemic Conflicts

According to the article, household labor has been the central threat to couples over the course of the pandemic. Ann N. Turner, a therapist in Washington, DC, says that couples are responding in one of two ways: “The pandemic has either heightened the divide in the division of labor between partners, or it’s forced them to redivide tasks to cope with the constant changes.” In other words, either one partner gets a heavier load of the labor, or both spouses will collaborate and re-divvy up tasks accordingly. In Sarah Elwood’s case, redistributing those tasks across her two ex-husbands has made for a blissful co-parenting experience.


A Wholesome Co-Parenting Story

The same Insider article tells the story of Sarah Elwood, a mother of two who moved away from her second husband during the pandemic. After noticing their son’s relationship with his father deteriorate, and trying to make things work, she realized it was no longer healthy for them to live together. This meant she had two children to care for alongside two different fathers – but Sarah learned how to leverage the art of co-parenting.

Rather than keeping tabs on who does what task, duties are split across the three of them. At one point, Sarah had to go into COVID-19 quarantine, so her daughters’ father dropped off her groceries, and her son’s father took full-time care of their child. He even brought a plate of cookies. Through communication and a bit of understanding, Sarah’s job as a solo mom is made that much easier thanks to healthy co-parenting habits.

The stressors of COVID-19 are quite powerful, evidently enough to impact long standing relationships. However, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel: healthy solo parenting in a co-parenting setting. If you’re going through a pandemic divorce but aren’t sure how to establish a co-parenting relationship, reach out to a trusted Orange County divorce attorney to draft the necessary agreements. 


Draft Your Co-Parenting Agreements with Jennifer Owens, Esq.

Divorce is an emotional journey to endure. On top of the bitterness and anger which often result from a formal separation, the subsequent legal battles tend to make the whole process even more painful. At the Law Offices of Jennifer Owens, we revel in the power of choice. When spouses face divorce, they’re presented with a slew of decisions with a handful of potential outcomes. Our attorneys are believers in the best possible outcome, where a former couple chooses peace over destruction, so that they can finally move onto their next chapter. We can help with that. No matter your desired path – mediation, a negotiated settlement, or even litigation – The Law Offices of Jennifer Owens will achieve the best possible outcome by reaching a settlement that keeps all involved parties in mind. Visit our website to review our family law services or contact us online for a free consultation.

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