Parental Alienation: How Mediation Can Help Parents Avoid It

It’s not uncommon for a high-conflict divorce to evolve into a case of parental alienation, especially with a spiteful partner. This can be extremely destructive to a child’s closeness with the victimized parent.  However, mediation is the key to a collaborative post-divorce environment, which actively prevents parental alienation syndrome from arising. So what is parental alienation syndrome, and how does mediation help to prevent it?


What is Parental Alienation Syndrome?

Before diving into how mediation helps to avoid cases of parental alienation, it’s important to first understand what it entails. The phrase “parental alienation syndrome” refers to when a parent tries to turn their child or children against the other parent. They could do this by framing the other partner in a negative light, often using insulting language, wrongful blaming, and sharing false accusations with their children in an attempt to win their favor. Another tactic within parental alienation syndrome is “hoarding” children, or doing anything possible to prevent the other parent from spending valuable time with their kids. 

This kind of behavior is incredibly risky, as it can potentially damage a child’s natural affection towards the other parent. However, turning to an experienced mediator is a fitting solution that can prevent parental alienation through healthy collaboration. 


How Mediation Can Quell Parental Alienation 

Thanks to the numerous benefits of mediation for divorce, it’s the preferred course of action when attempting to prevent a case of parental alienation. It preserves the psychological and emotional health of your children by avoiding high-conflict battles, saves time and stress as opposed to tiring divorce cases, and allows you to remain in control of the outcome. 

Furthermore, it gives you the chance to address any instances of parental alienation in a direct manner, with a mediator present to guide the conversation in a constructive manner. Most of all, mediation allows you to keep your separation under wraps and off the public record. There will be no publicly shared hearings since divorce mediation confidentiality is protected by state law, which can help prevent the traditional reallocation of friends and family post-divorce. For help with addressing any parental alienation you’ve been facing, be sure to contact The Law Offices of Jennifer Owens for expert help on your case. 


Prevent Parental Alienation with a Settlement-Minded Family Law Attorney

Divorce is an emotional journey to endure. On top of the bitterness and anger which often result from a formal separation, the subsequent legal battles tend to make the whole process even more painful. At the Law Offices of Jennifer Owens, we revel in the power of choice. When spouses face divorce, they’re presented with a slew of decisions with a handful of potential outcomes. Our attorneys are believers in the best possible outcome, where a former couple chooses peace over destruction, so that they can finally move onto their next chapter. We can help with that. No matter your desired path – mediation, a negotiated settlement, or even litigation – The Law Offices of Jennifer Owens will achieve the best possible outcome by reaching a settlement that keeps all involved parties in mind. Visit our website to review our family law services or contact us online for a free consultation

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