Should you stay, or should you go? This question is quite loaded, because divorce isn’t always so black and white. While unhappiness may be reason enough for one person, another partner might hesitate out of fear of change, a sliver of hope, or the sky-high costs of divorce.
If you’re having a mental battle about whether to stay married or get divorced, take these common factors into account – and be sure to contact a family law expert for legal support in the case of a divorce.
Change Is Scary
When considering a divorce, a number of fearful questions may scour your mind:
“What if I end up regretting this later?”
“What if it ruins my kids’ lives?”
“What if no one wants me after this?”
We get it. Even if your marriage is still young, adjusting to single life after divorce can be intimidating. If you have children, you could fear losing time with them. These are extremely common thoughts to have when considering a divorce, and completely valid – after all, a major decision isn’t without weight.
You Think Things Could Improve
Remaining in a marriage out of hope for improvement is quite common, with couples often opting for therapy and self-help to quell issues. Oftentimes these methods work, especially when the partners involved both maintain hope for their family’s future. Other times, marital conflicts, personal struggles, or financial hurdles simply bear too much weight to carry on.
Divorce Is Too Costly
Another common factor that influences whether people stay married or get divorced is their ability to afford it. You may already find it difficult to make ends meet, and are scared of higher costs once homes are split. Maybe you haven’t been working throughout our marriage, and need to get back to work so that the family is sufficiently supported – which is especially difficult for working parents. For these reasons, the costs of a divorce can often dissuade couples from snipping the knot.
Your Religion or Culture Doesn’t Support It
Some religions require a husband’s permission to divorce, such as Orthodox Judaism; Others simply forbid divorce, such as Hinduism and Catholicism, and a few cultures mandate that the man receives automatic child custody, such as with family law in Saudi Arabia, a policy that has seen major revamps in the past few years. Since religion and culture often play a large role in our upbringing, they can also affect our family decisions. Therefore, religious or cultural pressure to stay with a spouse is another common reason why partners will choose to ride it out.
Your Obligation to the Family
Finally, if you have any children, your commitment to parenthood could keep you from walking out the door. Even if you have no children, you may still feel an obligation to your spouse to stick with your vows despite the personal cost. Your spouse could struggle mentally or physically, and rely on you for critical support. Or, you simply don’t want to let your parents and extended family down, as you’re afraid of what they’ll say once you’ve filed. Due to personal obligations such as these, partners may feel a bit hesitant to move forward with a divorce.
To Stay Married or Get Divorced: We Can Help with the Latter.
Divorce is an emotional journey to endure. On top of the bitterness and anger which often result from a formal separation, the subsequent legal battles tend to make the whole process even more painful. At the Law Offices of Jennifer Owens, we revel in the power of choice. When spouses face divorce, they’re presented with a slew of decisions with a handful of potential outcomes. Our attorneys are believers in the best possible outcome, where a former couple chooses peace over destruction, so that they can finally move onto their next chapter. We can help with that. No matter your desired path – mediation, a negotiated settlement, or even litigation – The Law Offices of Jennifer Owens will achieve the best possible outcome by reaching a settlement that keeps all involved parties in mind. Visit our website to review our family law services or contact us online for a free consultation.